Medan Independent School
Jalan Tali Air No. 5
Jamin Ginting KM 10 Medan 20141
Kel. Mangga Kec. Medan Tuntungan
North Sumatra – INDONESIA
T: +62 61 836 1816
[Holiday] Term Break
Let's breathe before the final Term!
Let's breathe before the final Term!
It's the final countdown!
Join us for a delightful Parents' Coffee Morning! Connect with fellow parents over steaming cups of coffee/tea and treats. An ideal opportunity to foster community, share experiences, and engage […]
Further details will be announced closer to date
Happy Good Friday to all who celebrate!
All the best, Class of 2025!
Student-Led Conferences (SLC) is an annual event where students can update parents directly about their learning, their developing passions in various subjects, and their growth from year to year. Different […]
A professional development day for MIS Teachers.
MIS is an office SAT test center. For information & registration, please visit
Happy Vesak to all who celebrate!