Medan Independent School
Jalan Tali Air No. 5
Jamin Ginting KM 10 Medan 20141
Kel. Mangga Kec. Medan Tuntungan
North Sumatra – INDONESIA
T: +62 61 836 1816
Events for March 13 - December 13, 2024
School Calendar
Basketball vs. SMA 17 (Home)
Come cheer on our Tiger Basketball team as they play a friendly match against SMA 17.
StuGo MYP/DP Lock-in
The Student Government is organizing a fun evening of activities where students will spend the night at school.
Futsal vs. SIS (Away)
Our PYP 1-4 futsal players will travel to SIS for a friendly match.
MYP 2/3 Indonesian Games Exhibition
Our MYP 2/3 class is presenting the culmination of their interdisciplinary unit between Physical and Health Education and Bahasa Indonesia. They have been looking into traditional Indonesian games and will […]
Arts and Literacy Week
MIS students will celebrate arts and literacy all week long with many fun events.
DP Mock Exams
DP students will sit mock exams in order to prepare for their end of subject exams in May.
Guest Storyteller
Kak Indriani will meet our KG-PYP4 students to expose them to the oral tradition of storytelling.
Visit by Author Maria Julie Simbolon
Author Maria Julie Simbolon will visit MIS and meet with our PYP5-DP1 students.
Basketball – Chandra Kumala (Home)
Our basketball team will host Chandra Kumala. Come cheer on our Tiger basketball team.
Spelling Bee Final
Our Spelling Bee final round contestants will compete for the crown.
Arts and Literacy Assembly
Come celebrate the ending of Arts and Literacy Week with us. We will celebrate student writing, art, and music. This is the culminating event for our Arts and Literacy Week.