The MIS Pembina has approved several new projects which will take place over the June/July holiday. It is part of our facilities plan to renovate our buildings. Here are some of the architect’s renderings. We will redo the changing rooms for the swimming pool. We will renovate the roof and interior ceilings of one of our classroom wings. The gym will also receive some attention with improved lighting and refreshed walls. Another project that is not pictured is that we will install a new playground area in the Early Childhood/Kindergarten area. You may have noticed that we have removed two trees as part of preparing for the new playground. MIS will certainly look different when students return in August. We are looking forward to it.
Medan Independent School
Jalan Tali Air No. 5
Jamin Ginting KM 10 Medan 20141
Kel. Mangga Kec. Medan Tuntungan
North Sumatra – INDONESIA
T: +62 61 836 1816