Investigating Earth’s Essential Resources for Plant Growth
Kindergarten Students Conduct Fun Science Experiments
By Ms. Leli Katarina Ginting (Ms. Kathy)
The kindergarten class enthusiastically embarked on a series of exciting experiments to uncover the necessary conditions for plant growth. Equipped with seeds, soil, water, small pots, and plenty of curiosity, the students set out to explore what plants need to thrive: soil, water, and sunlight.
The Seed Germination Experiment
Every student planted seeds in small pots filled with soil. The class made guesses about how the seeds would grow in different conditions. Some pots went in the sunlight, while others stayed in the dark. All were watered regularly. Over time, small shoots began to appear, showing that sunlight, water, and soil are essential for seed germination. The students learned how these elements are key to plant growth.
Plant Respiration: How Plants Absorb Water and Air
Next, the students looked at how plants absorb water and oxygen. They put a leaf in a glass of water and saw tiny bubbles forming, which showed how plants release oxygen. They also watched colored water travel up the stem of a flower in a clear cup, demonstrating how plants take in water and nutrients through their roots.
The Plant Life Cycle
To learn about the plant life cycle, the class tracked their plants as they grew from seeds to seedlings. They saw how the plants formed leaves, grew taller, and eventually produced flowers. The children wrote down these changes and learned the stages of plant life—from seed to sprout to mature plant—ending with the creation of new seeds.
Planting Banana Trees
The class also planted two banana trees in their garden. They took care of the trees with sunlight and water. The students were excited as the banana trees grew taller and produced small bananas. This showed that with regular care, trees can bear fruit, highlighting the importance of patience and proper nurturing for plant growth.
Through these experiments, the students learned how soil, water, and sunlight are vital for plants to grow. They also discovered how plants breathe, absorb water, and the plant life cycle stages. Watching the banana trees grow helped them understand how plants thrive with time, care, and the right environment.