Supporting Learning at Home using IXL
by Mery Widiasari, Marketing Manager
MIS hosted a Parent Coffee/Tea Morning today. The topic was how parents can use the IXL platform to support student learning. Mr. Greg McGuire, our MYP Coordinator, introduced the platform and explained how the platform works. He explained its scoring system, how to use the arena each week to get updated scores, connections to the MAP Growth assessment, and how to select individual skills.
“IXL is a learning platform that measures student achievement and uses the data it collects to personalize learning activities to review and reinforce concepts and provide extension,” said Mr. McGuire.
“IXL is another tool our teachers can use to help differentiate instruction for our students. It targets skills that students need to be successful in the classroom,” said Mr. Gaetano, MIS Principal.
The Parent Coffee/Tea Morning is also a place where parents can raise their questions, concerns, ideas, and suggestions. MIS is a non-profit organization where parents are the key stakeholders of the school. Parents’ feedback is seen as an opportunity for the school to improve our service. MIS thanks parents for making their time attending the Parent Coffee/Tea Morning today
Scan below to see the presentation from Mr. McGuire