Events for April 11 - October 11, 2024


Guest Storyteller

Kak Indriani will meet our KG-PYP4 students to expose them to the oral tradition of storytelling.

Spelling Bee Final

Our Spelling Bee final round contestants will compete for the crown.

Arts and Literacy Assembly

Come celebrate the ending of Arts and Literacy Week with us. We will celebrate student writing, art, and music. This is the culminating event for our Arts and Literacy Week.

DP Art Show and Musical Performance

We will have art from two of our DP students on display during period 4 (10:40-11:25). We will also have members of our DP Band perform at lunch (12:15). Come support our talented students.

PYP 1/2 Fieldtrip to MUSPERIN

Students in PYP 1/2 will visit the Plantation Museum in Medan to learn more about plants.