Events for April 29 - October 10, 2024


MYP 2/3 Trip to Sabang

Our students in MYP 2/3 will visit Aceh and Sabang during this week. They will research the effects of the 2004 tsunami, take a look and underwater sea life, and learn about the economy of a small island.

KG Field Trip to Public Places

Our kindergarten will visit public places around our school. They will find out about the people who work in these spaces and how they are utilized.

PYP 1-4 STEM Collaboration with Sekolah Alam Bukit Hijau

Our students will visit students at Sekolah Alam Bukit Hijau. Each school will share an activity with the students. It will be a great morning for science and for building ties with local schools.

MYP Language Acquisition Trip

MYP students will visit various sites around Medan to practice using the languages they have been studying. There will be chances to use French, German, Mandarin, and Bahasa Indonesia.

Student Led Conferences

This day is dedicated to students taking their parents through a portfolio to demonstrate their learning over the school year. Regular classes will end after lunch. Our goal is for 100% attendance from parents.

PYP3-6 Music Field Trip

Students in Grades 3-6 will visit Rumah Musik Suarasama to listen to live music and explore how music is connected to cultural identity.


Our Grade 12 students will receive their diplomas during our annual Commencement Ceremony.