Learning about Electricity!
by PYP 3/4 class
In PYP 3-4, our current unit of inquiry is all about electricity. We are learning about renewable sources of energy vs. non-renewable sources. We are also exploring the science behind hydroelectric, solar, geothermal and nuclear power. It is very important for children to comprehend where their electricity comes from and how it is transferred to our homes. Clean energy is a must for our planet and our students are the future of the planet!
Students have been asking great some questions about our sources of electricity! Some questions that we have explored so far…
- River wants to know “How is hydroelectricity dangerous for fish?”
- Matt is wondering “Why is hydroelectricity louder than geothermal power?”
- Myra asks: “How does hydroelectricity damage the land?”
- Sha Sha was curious: “Can geothermal energy be used to power up a single house?”
- Lucas is trying to find out “How was geothermal energy invented?”
- Vito wants to know: “How can we get hot water to the surface of the Earth?”
- Alexia was asking: “Is soil a good conductor of electricity?”
- Aryan is wondering: “How was hydroelectricity invented?”
- Afiq: is curious to know “How is hot water used to create electricity?”
The students never cease to impress me with their unrelenting curiosity about the world around them. They are always trying to find out how things work. This type of inquiry sets the stage for a fantastic learning environment. Maybe some of our students will grow up to become electricians, engineers or scientists. Wouldn’t that be something!
Yours truly,
Mr. Ryan, Mr. Stevan and the students of PYP 3-4.